
波士頓Boston(145)-The John F. Kennedy Library and Museum-2008/3/8

今天和Chika相約到The John F. Kennedy Library and Museum(約翰甘迺迪紀念博物館).美國所有歷任總統中最年輕的一位,在他44歲那年當選為總統,二年後在德州達拉斯被槍殺.搭Red Line到JFK/UMass站在"T"站前方即有shuttle bus可以搭乘.我買的是學生票(哈~因為有國際學生證嘛~USD8),Chika說只有比Adult便宜2元,我笑著跟她說我們二個人少的4元可以買二瓶啤酒了.
晚上和Chika與Tae-Young一起到位於Charles/MGH站旁去年才新開的The Library Hotel二樓所附設的BAR喝一杯,聽說這個Hotel是由監獄改裝而成的,裡面的餐廳包廂是一間間的牢房.消費還不算太高一般調酒大約在USD6-8左右,今天有金主跟我們一起去所以有人買單我們只要喝就好了,今天果然讓我見識到日本和韓國女生的好酒量了,她們二個是一杯接著一杯,而我是一杯喝了4小時,呵呵~~
Picture 1:Museum ticket(College Student USD8)
Picture 2:Erica in Museum

2 則留言:

匿名 提到...

Dear Auntie Erica:Why do you seldom write on your blog?Even never seeing you on MSN?I'm really busy in studying.How abt you?I thought you are bz playing all over the US...haha ..actually,my english sucks,a friend of mine help me type it...

Erica Lin 提到...

My dear,
Please study English hard. Next time, you should write some message on my blog by yourself. Even though it is not correct, but I think that it is a good practicing for your English.
How is your school living? Maybe you can write a English essae of your school living to me. Hahaha...